Beachwalk Miami Beach
Beachwalk is a condominium building in Miami Beach, Florida, with a range of options priced between $524,900 and $599,000. There is currently a total of 1 condo for sale in Beachwalk. The Beachwalk condo presently available is a two bedroom two bathroom residence that is 1,035 square feet.
Pets are allowed in Beachwalk.
There are two commercial airports near Beachwalk - Miami International Airport (MIA), which is ten miles away, and Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (FLL), which is twenty miles away.
Beachwalk real estate activity on the Miami Beach MLS during the past year (as of March 2025) reflects that just one condo changed hands during this time. Offered with an asking price of $250,000 and selling for $235,000, this represents a list/sell ratio of 94%. It took just 19 days from the time it was listed until it sold.
In addition, there are numerous other condo buildings in Miami Beach to choose from, or you may browse all available Condos for sale in Miami Beach. Condos for sale in Beachwalk are selling quickly. Set up a new listing alert, and we will notify you immediately when a new condo in Beachwalk hits the market. You can also always contact your ZFC Real Estate agent, who would happily assist you further with all your South Beach real estate needs.
Beachwalk Condos For Sale
1 Active Listing in Beachwalk
Beachwalk Miami Beach Florida
What schools are Beachwalk condos zoned for?
Where you live in Miami Beach determines which public schools your children may attend, which directly influences condo values. Beachwalk condominiums are zoned for the following Miami Dade County school districts, making school zone boundaries a key factor in property desirability and market demand.Elementary
High School
Miami Beach Communities
- Apogee
- Castle Beach Club
- Fisher Island
- South Pointe Tower
- The Setai
- Akoya
- Decoplage
- Murano At Portofino
- Palau Sunset Harbour
- Portofino Tower
- Sunset Islands
- The Courts At South Beach
- Drake
- Icon
- Star Island
- Blue Diamond
- Green Diamond
- Marea
- Artecity
- Burleigh House
- Eden House
- Faena House
- One Ocean
- Roney Palace
- Club Atlantis
- Biscayne Point
- Eighty Seven Park
- Murano Grande
- Palm Island
- Arlen Beach
- Continuum
- Fontainebleau
- La Gorce Island
- Canterbury At Lincoln Road
- 5600 Condominium
- Bayview Plaza
- Bogart
- Byron Park
- Domino One
- Elena
- Harding Hall
- King David Towers
- Le Trianon
- Maritime
- Mirasol Ocean Towers
- Nautilus
- Ocean Point
- Parkview Place
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